Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) - A Powerful Regenerative Treatment


I have been studying and practicing Regenerative Medicine for over a decade, yet I am continually amazed at the human body. I am especially appreciative of our miraculous regenerative capacities. In particular - the power of Plasma-Rich Platelets (PRP). Time and again I have been able to help address a variety of my patients’ ailments by harnessing and applying PRP including:

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Hair thinning and baldness

  • Aging

  • Acne 

  • Sun damage

  • Orthopedic injuries

Why PRP?

PRP therapy became popular almost fifty years ago when orthopedic doctors began treating professional athletes to help heal injuries. Today, PRP is used for a much broader host of ailments including for regenerating ligaments, tendons, and joint injuries, and in orthopedic surgeries to enhance surgical outcomes and improve recovery. Furthermore, PRP has the capacity to regenerate collagen, enhance fibrin and even help the development of new blood vessels. 

How does PRP work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a concentrated preparation of your own growth factors that are extracted from your own blood. After a quick blood draw, I use one of the most advanced PRP harvesting systems available to separate out and concentrate your platelets and growth factors. Platelets produce clotting as well as growth factors that signal cells to start functioning. 

Once extracted, this concentrated growth factor cocktail is then applied to or injected in targeted areas to begin the healing and restorative process.

Not all PRP is created equally

I am focused first and foremost on providing the best possible care for my patients - so I always conduct exhaustive analysis to ensure I am employing the best solutions. The PRP protocol I use is the most cutting-edge, compelling solution I could find - using a centrifuge that produces plasma that is densely filled with platelets - nearly ten times more so than plasma found in the body.

When it comes to PRP systems, many medi-spas and aesthetic clinicians don’t provide treatments that are approved by the FDA. Instead, many use gel tube kits and some even make their own “poor man’s PRP” - extracting pure plasma and calling it PRP.  While these treatments may cost less, they aren’t as effective because they provide only twice the amount of growth factors.

What PRP therapy do you offer?

There are a number of key areas I focus on in my own practice:

Skin: PRP therapy can enhance the appearance of the skin by targeting sun damage, fine lines, scarring, wrinkles, and under-eye circles. 

Hair: PRP can be used as a topical treatment on the scalp - regenerating hair follicles and enhancing refolicularization resulting in stronger, healthier hair. 

Sexual Dysfunction: I use PRP therapy to help enhance sexual function for both men and women. For men, I employ the Priapus Shot, or P-Shot, which results in increased revascularization of the penis and stronger, more predictable erections. For my female patients, I use the O-Shot which acts in a similar manner - enhancing women’s sexual function, enhancing sensitivity and lubrication,  helping alleviate atrophy and even improving the quality of orgasms.


Based on my research and my own experience with my patients, we are only beginning to appreciate PRP’s healing capacity. I am currently investigating the power of PRP for additional therapies including the possibility of leveraging stem cells for their regenerative properties. If you feel like investigating how PRP might be a treatment for you, I hope you’ll contact the office at 425-209-1060 if you’d like to learn more about how I can help you.

katherine kass